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Uncover Your Unique Values with Our FREE Core Values Quiz.

Identify Your Values with Our Core Values Quiz

(For Curious Individuals)

Take the First Step Towards Reducing Stress, Increasing Your Well-being, and Living a More Authentic Life Filled with Purpose. Identify Your Unique Values with Our FREE Core Values Quiz Self-Assessment.

Find Out What My Values Are…
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Core Values Profile MaryBeth Hyland
Lisa Schroeder Core Values Testimonial

MaryBeth's wisdom, intuitive gifts and proven practices have changed my life. She has guided me on how to take on this life's journey, particularly in times of stress, and embrace what once seemed impossible."

- Lisa Schroeder, President, The Pittsburgh Foundation


What Your Core Values Are

What Your Core Values Are

These are the values that drive you. The aspects of yourself that motivate you toward or away from different things.

What Your Aspirational Values

What Your Aspirational Values Are

These are the values that you wish drove you. These describe what you aspire to become.

What Your Values Are

What Your Values Are

These are the values that describe you but you are not driven by them.

Which Values Don't resonate with you

Which Values Don’t Resonate With You

These are the values that simply aren’t things that resonate with you personally and that’s OK.

When you know, own, and live your values, everyday is filled with purpose."

~ MaryBeth Hyland, Founder + Chief Visionary, SparkVision 

Find Out What My Values Are…
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Top 10 Benefits of Taking our Core Values Quiz

1. Gain clarity on what drives your decisions and behaviors, leading to more aligned and intentional living.

2. Discover hidden aspects of yourself by identifying the values that shape your life.

3. Reduce stress and overwhelm by aligning your actions with your core values.

4. Increase self-awareness, helping you make decisions that resonate with your true self.

5. Build stronger, more authentic relationships by understanding and sharing your values.

6. Experience greater personal growth by regularly reassessing and realigning with your values.

7. Identify friction points in life where your values are being neglected, leading to more mindful choices.

8. Feel empowered to set clearer boundaries that honor your core beliefs and values.

9. Receive actionable insights, reflections, and guidance on the area of your life in which you want to align with your values the most.

10. Use the personalized values profile as a guide to stay true to what matters most to you.


Adair Cates Core Values Testimonial

“It's really important for me to know what matters to me. So that when I go into partnerships with either clients or co-creators, that I'm really clear if we're going to be a good match for each other. So that was really big for me, and I thought a lot about values. And if I ever have a question about whether or not something is a good fit for me. I always have those values to go back to.”

~ Adair Cates,

CEO, First Lead You

Chenire Harrell-Carter Core Values Testimonial

“I'm realizing now that the way that I relate to my values is how I build relationships, not just intimate ones, but at work with business partners, and the like. It also is allowed me to have a greater level of empathy. For humanity at large, I am a lover of the human experience. And so recognizing what my core values are, and realizing how similar we all are also able to now kind of pinpoint what other people's values are. And that has been really helpful, especially in the climate in which that we live in.”

~ Chenire Harrell-Carter,

CEO, Memory Maker Inc.

Anna Snow Core Values Testimonial

“This was incredibly enlightening to me in the sense that I have these core values and yet when I look at my calendar on my phone, some of them weren't exactly lining up and I am really looking forward to going forward and making those changes so that my values are reflected in my everyday life. And I just recommend it to anyone who wants to live out their purpose.”

~ Anna Snow,

Community Manager, Yelp

Cory J. Anderson Core Values Testimonial

“It’s a great opportunity to just really delve a little bit deeper into yourself and be more self-aware of who you are. It allows you the opportunity to be more authentic in the world.”

~ Cory J. Anderson,

Director, Venture for America

Amanda Autry Core Values Testimonial

“I knew that this disconnect that I was feeling in my business and uncertainty in where to go next and growing my business would be positively impacted by clarifying my values.”

~ Amanda Autry,


Veronica Hill Core Values Testimonial

“There's something invigorating and completely life-changing when you understand what your values are.”

~ Veronica Hill,

Workplace Culture Consultant

This Core Values Quiz is for you if you are:

  • A high achiever or professional seeking more alignment and purpose in your personal and professional life.

  • Experiencing burnout or stress and looking to reconnect with what truly motivates and energizes you.

  • Undergoing a life transition, like a career change, move, or relationship shift, and need clarity on your direction and decisions.

  • Passionate about personal development, regularly engaging in self-reflection, and committed to growth and mindfulness.

  • A leader or entrepreneur aiming to build a value-driven culture in your organization while aligning your leadership with your core values.

  • Feeling disconnected or lost, seeking clarity, and wanting to reconnect with your sense of purpose and identity.

  • Struggling to set boundaries in relationships, work, or other areas of life, and eager to define what’s truly important to you.

  • Interested in emotional intelligence and mindfulness and striving to live more authentically with greater self-awareness.

  • Looking to understand your shared values with your partner, family members, or friends and want to strengthen your relationships through greater alignment.

  • A creative or solopreneur wanting to ensure your work reflects your personal values and fulfills you on a deeper level.

  • "You're not drained because you're doing too much. You're drained because you're doing too little of what reflects your values.”

    - MaryBeth Hyland, Permission to Be Human

    What Are Core Values?

    Core values are a personal guide. They show us what's important and how we like to live. Think of them as your special mark, like your fingerprints. They help steer you in the right direction. When you follow your values, you feel good. If you don't, you might feel upset or uncomfortable.

    Being happy means sticking to your values.

    Core values are more than just important ideas. They help us tap into our hidden feelings and thoughts. We can discover parts of ourselves we didn't know before by thinking about what's important to us.

    Core values are key to unlocking new levels of personal growth and personal development.

    Over 7,000 people have taken our Core Values Quiz, and the top Core Values that drive them are Learning, Growth, Freedom, Trust, and Purpose.

    Why are Values Important?

    Knowing your core values helps you stay grounded. It stops you from feeling overwhelmed. This way, you can take care of yourself and others with a positive mindset.

    You are full of values that show in your actions and feelings. If something goes against your values, you feel upset and stressed. But if it matches your values, you feel great and alive! Stress often comes not from being too busy but from not doing enough of what matters to us. Our values shape what we care about, from enjoyable activities to people we prefer to avoid.

    This is the importance of values.

    By focusing on your core values, you unlock amazing energy and freedom. It becomes easy.

    Understanding what motivates you is key. When you pay attention and understand your core values, you start to explore what makes you feel aligned and productive every day. You learn about what you need to feel purposeful and focused.

    "Living your values doesn’t happen by chance. It happens when choosing your values with integrity over and over again.”

    - MaryBeth Hyland, Permission to Be Human

    How to Put Core Values into Practice

    Being and acting are different. For example, you might be curious but not ask questions. Or, you might care about equality but not act when you see inequality. It's important to match what you believe with how you act.

    Set Clear Expectations: Think about what you expect from yourself. How will you live according to your values?

    Make Value Promises: These are promises you make to act on your values. Think of these as a value statement.

    Ask yourself:

  • How should I act to show my true values?

  • What promises can I make to live by these values at work or home?

  • How can friends help me keep these promises?

  • What good things happen if I live this way?

  • By answering these, you create a personal guide. This guide helps you live by your values every day. Then you have a set of lived values!

    Living by your core values isn't automatic. It's about choosing those values honestly, again and again. To really include your values in your daily life, you need to check if you're acting according to them.

    Try values-based mindfulness. This means living true to yourself by making choices that feel right.

    A simple full-body check can help. When your mind, gut, and heart all agree, you know what to do. If you're feeling off, close your eyes and touch your heart. Breathe deeply and ask, “Which of my values can help me now? How can I use it right now?”

    Happiness comes when we live by our values. Learn to listen to yourself to bring your values into your decisions. Being honest about what doesn't feel right in your mind, body, and spirit helps you find balance again. You can use values-based mindfulness anytime. Your values are always there for you, just like your breath.

  • A MIND 24-7 survey found that 86% of individuals report their values guide their decisions, and focusing on values can increase daily satisfaction by 30%.

    Where Do Values Come From?

    You are not just born with this set of values; others typically instill them in you.

    Your values are often born from the learning that occurs with your life's most impactful people and experiences. Values are formed through modeled behavior, socialization and the experiences surrounding those influencers, for better or worse.

    When you take the time to honor your past, you can make sense of your values more meaningfully than just picking words off a list.

    "If you feel like you’re coming alive, it’s because your values are in action. And if you feel like you are being sucked dry it's because your values are being violated.”

    - MaryBeth Hyland, Permission to Be Human

    Can Your Values Change Over Time?

    Yes! Overall, our core values stay pretty constant. Meaning the things that drive us often do for most of our lives.

    However, life experiences (particularly milestone moments—when you felt incredibly high and painfully low) can dramatically change us and our values.

    That is why it is important to do a value check on a regular basis. We suggest taking the core values quiz at least once a year and comparing your new values assessment with your old one.

    My husband and I create a new value profile every year to take a core values inventory of what’s stayed the same and what’s changed.

    When we first started, spiritual life did not resonate with either of us. We thought it was some mumbo-jumbo stuff that people told themselves to feel better. But after a life-changing retreat, we transformed that thinking. Spirituality now drives us more than anything!

    That is why it is important to do a personal values assessment on a regular basis.

    Respondents who have taken our Core Values Quiz say that personal growth and self-improvement are the #1 areas of their lives that they want to align with their values.

    Why are Human Values Important?

    Artificial intelligence (AI) is growing quickly. As machines take on more jobs, keeping our human values is key.

    Social media and tech often distract us. They make it tough to connect deeply with others. We must work hard to build real relationships based on shared values.

    Feeling apart from others is common today. But sharing values can bring us together. Now is the time to come together. Let's live our values in every part of our lives: at work, at home, and in our communities.

    "Values are not just words, but rather they are the key to unlocking the emotional intelligence that already exists within us.”

    - MaryBeth Hyland, Permission to Be Human

    What is Value Based Leadership?

    Values-based leadership is about staying true to what you believe in. It means making choices that feel right to you that are aligned with your values. Leaders like this are mindful and present. They focus on being clear, direct, and kind to help others.

    Such value-based leadership doesn’t just happen. It comes from consistently choosing your core values. To truly live by your values daily, you must check if your actions match them.

    A simple way to do this is by doing a full body check. This means seeing if your mind, gut, and heart agree with your decisions. Use your values as a guide to make good choices.

    For instance, if you're having a bad day and feel lost, try this: Close your eyes and place your hands on your heart. Breathe deeply and slowly. Ask yourself which of your values can help you now. Think about how you can use it to make your situation better.

    Leadership is all about values. It’s crucial to listen to yourself to know how to make your values guide your decisions. Being honest about what feels off can help you get back on track. This way, you align your mind, body, soul, and well-being.

    57% of Americans contemplate finding more meaning and purpose in life at least monthly, indicating a widespread pursuit of value alignment. (Lifeway Research)

    What are My Values?

    You may be wondering how to figure out your core values. And there are lots of options on how to identify your core values.

    One is to look at your experiences in life. The high moments you feel happy and energized generally happen because your values are being activated. If you feel really happy investing quality time with your friends, you have a core value of friendship. And if you don’t like spending time with friends, the value of friendship doesn’t resonate with you. And that is okay! You have unique values!

    If you're interested in exploring your values, try this simple activity. For one week, note down when you feel most energized and when you feel drained. Pay attention to who you're with and what's happening. This can be done using a notepad or a note app. Ask yourself when you felt energized or drained each day.

    Collecting these emotional notes can help you see which values are being met or missed.

    You can better understand your values by identifying what experiences energize or drain you. This helps you see what truly motivates you. When you are energized, your values are present. When you are drained, your values are missing or being violated.

    There are also plenty of resources on how to identify your core values. You could take a core values assessment or personal values assessment. Or you could take a values test, core values test, personal values test or human values test. Or consider a core values quiz like ours!

    Our personal values quiz will help you identify your core values, aspirational values, and values that don’t resonate with you.

    This free core values assessment will help you find your purpose and teach you how to know what you want in life.

    Over 7,000 people have taken our Core Values Quiz, and the top Aspirational Values they wish they had are Self-Discipline, Inner Harmony, Exciting Life, Self-Respect and Self-Care.

    What Differentiates our Free Core Values Quiz from other Value Quiz Sites?

    You have many options when you want to discover your core values. What makes our free online core values assessment different from another values test?

    Our free values assessment has you rank each value based on whether it drives you, describes you, doesn’t resonate with you or you wish you had it.

    This Drives Me” indicates something that really motivates you. You could even say it’s unshakably who you are. Core Values

    I Wish This Drove Me” is more about being honest with yourself. You aspire to be this way, but it’s not your experience. And that is OK. Aspirational Values

    This Describes Me” indicates something that is a part of what’s important to you but doesn’t necessarily motivate you. Values And finally,

    This Does Not Resonate” is the most self-explanatory. It indicates something that simply doesn’t resonate with you. It’s neither good nor bad. It just is. Not Values

    You will use these categories to classify each value for yourself.

    You get to reflect on your values rather than just picking them from a values inventory or core values index.

    What’s very important during this exercise is that you are honest with yourself.

    For example, if I am honest with myself, when I hear the value of health, I have to put it in the “I Wish This Drove Me” category because I think it’s important. Still, I’m not currently someone who is motivated to exercise regularly—although I wish I were. That’s not to say that I couldn’t be in the future; I simply am not actively exercising at this present time in my life.

    Notice that I describe health as related to exercise. You might have a totally different definition. And that’s OK. I’m intentionally not providing definitions for each value because we all interpret words differently.

    Only focus on what that word means to you, just like I did with the example of health. You don’t need to google it or ask someone else their opinion; simply tap into your intuition and trust that whatever you believe it means is correct. Because when it comes to your values, that is so very true.

    When you are selecting a category, try not to spend too much time debating where it should fall. If you’re torn, revisit it later; you can always change it in the future.

    There is no right or wrong way to do this. As long as you’re being honest with yourself, you are doing this from a good place.

    Once you have finished your core values quiz, you’ll be emailed a personalized report and a professionally designed values profile to help remind you of your values. It will be a core values pdf that you can print.

    And, our free online core values quiz only takes minutes to complete!

    "Living your values is not something that locks into place and stays there without maintenance.”

    - MaryBeth Hyland, Permission to Be Human

    What are Examples of Personal Values?

    Before taking the core values quiz, you may be wondering about some personal values examples. And there are lots of examples of personal values.

    Here is a personal values list. You can think of this as a values inventory.

    This doesn’t include every value. It represents the top 10 core values of people who have taken our values assessment. You'll find the list of values when you take our free core values quiz.

  • Growth

  • Learning

  • Freedom

  • Trust

  • Purpose

  • Connection

  • Curiosity

  • Authenticity

  • Family Security

  • True Friendship

  • Around 72% of people report finding inner peace and fulfillment by focusing on value-based

    decision-making. (Psychquest)

    How do Company Core Values Connect to Your Company’s Vision and Mission?

    Your company's vision explains why you do what you do. The mission describes what you do every day. Your company values show how you achieve your mission and reach your vision.

    Your culture isn't aligned if your actions don't match your stated organizational values. Instead, it's aspirational, based more on wishful thinking than daily reality.

    But, when your actions and values align, you create a special place. This place is filled with loyalty, commitment, and excitement. It's a place where everyone, regardless of age, wants to stay. It feels almost magical.

    Values bring us to life, both individually and as a team. A strong workplace culture connects us through shared, deep motivations. Core values satisfy us deeply. Isn't that wonderful?

    When your job matches your core values, it sparks passion. If not, stress follows. Knowing, owning, and living your core values helps attract and keep great people. It fosters a shared sense of purpose and passion. The results will be clear.

    You lack direction and boundaries for your culture without knowing your core values. This leads to disengagement, dissatisfaction, and a disconnect. It affects both your team and how others see you.

    "One of the most powerful aspects of knowing, owning, and living our values is making value-aligned and grounded decisions with total clarity.”

    - MaryBeth Hyland, Permission to Be Human

    Why Are Core Values Important?

    Core values are the essence of who you are as a person. They act as an internal compass, guiding your decisions, actions, and behaviors in every aspect of life. Your core values are deeply personal, and unique to you, and they represent your fundamental beliefs and principles. When you align your life with your core values, you not only experience a sense of fulfillment, purpose, and happiness, but also a deep personal satisfaction that comes from living in harmony with your true self. Conversely, when you stray from these values, it can lead to discomfort, unease, and even suffering.

    Values are intrinsic motivators that shape your judgment of what is important in life. They help you differentiate between right and wrong, guiding you toward behaviors that align with your sense of self. Whether it's the value of connection, growth, or stability, these principles not only influence how you define success and navigate challenges, but also resonate with like-minded individuals, fostering strong, supportive relationships and a sense of belonging.

    Committing to your core values becomes crucial in times of tension and difficulty. These moments test your resolve, and your values help you move forward without compromising your integrity. For core values to effectively drive positive behavior and decision-making, they must be clear, direct, and consistently honored.

    Ultimately, core values are vital because they ground you in your true self, helping you to lead a life that is authentic, meaningful, and aligned with what truly matters to you.

    60% of respondents who take our Core Values Quiz want to go deeper into their values.

    What Are Your Values Quiz?

    Understanding your core values is a critical step toward living a fulfilling and purposeful life. But what exactly are core values, and how can a core values quiz help you uncover them?

    Our core values quiz is designed to help you identify the principles that guide your decisions and shape your behavior. These values are the foundation of who you are—they influence everything from your relationships to your career choices. Taking a values assessment is more than just answering a few questions; it’s an opportunity to reflect deeply on what matters most to you.

    When you take our values assessment free, you’ll gain clarity on your core values, which can lead to more aligned and intentional living. Whether you’re navigating a career change, improving relationships, or simply seeking greater self-awareness, knowing your values is key. This core values assessment isn’t just another value test; it’s a powerful tool for self-discovery and personal growth.

    By understanding your core values through our values test, you can make decisions that truly reflect your identity. This core value quiz is a great way to align your life with your deepest beliefs. If you’ve ever wondered, “What are my values?” this quiz is the perfect starting point. The insights you gain from our values quiz can be transformative, guiding you to live a more authentic and satisfying life.

    Our core value assessment provides a comprehensive look at what drives you. It’s a quick yet profound process that helps you identify the most important values. This isn’t just any value quiz—it’s a core values assessment designed to reveal what makes you, you.

    So, if you’re ready to discover your guiding principles, our core value test is here to help. Take our values assessment today and start your journey toward living a life that reflects your true values.

    "You are simply and completely walking, talking, living, breathing set of values.
    And so is your company.”

    - MaryBeth Hyland, Permission to Be Human

    What Are My Personal Values Quiz?

    Understanding your personal values is essential for living a life aligned with your true self. Your core values act as a compass, guiding your decisions, shaping your goals, and influencing your relationships. If you've ever felt uncertain about a choice or struggled with finding direction, it may be because your actions weren't aligned with your core beliefs. That’s where a personal values quiz can make a profound difference.

    Why Taking a Personal Values Quiz Matters

    Taking a personal values quiz isn’t just an exercise in self-reflection; it’s a powerful tool for personal growth. By identifying your core values, you gain clarity on what truly matters to you, making it easier to prioritize your time, energy, and resources. A personal values assessment test helps you uncover the principles that define your character, allowing you to live more authentically and with greater intention.

    How Our Core Values Quiz Can Help

    Our personal values test is designed to help you dive deep into your inner beliefs and uncover the values that drive your behavior. Whether navigating a career change, seeking more meaningful relationships, or simply looking to understand yourself better, this quiz provides valuable insights. By understanding your personal values, you can make decisions that resonate with your true self, leading to a more fulfilling and purpose-driven life.

    Taking the time to complete our personal values quiz can be transformative. It helps you define your priorities and provides a framework for making choices that reflect who you are at your core. Embrace the power of self-awareness and start your journey toward living a life that truly aligns with your personal values.

    About 86% of individuals who adhere to their personal values feel happier with their accomplishments. (Psychquest)

    The Importance of Life Values: Your Guiding Compass

    As human beings, our values are at the very core of who we are—defining how we live, interact, and make decisions. The importance of life values cannot be overstated. They are the intrinsic motivators that shape our principles, behavior, and, ultimately, our sense of fulfillment and happiness.

    Values are unique to each individual, much like fingerprints. They act as an internal compass, guiding us toward what feels right and away from what causes discomfort. When we honor our values, life feels aligned; when we stray from them, we often experience mental, emotional, and even physical distress. This alignment, or lack thereof, is crucial to our overall well-being and happiness.

    The importance of values in life is reflected in how they influence our decisions, shape our goals, and define our success and failure. They help us discern right from wrong and keep us on a path that resonates with our true selves. When we commit to our values, we find strength and clarity, even in moments of tension.

    Understanding and living by your core values is essential to leading a fulfilled life. By staying true to what matters most, you ensure that your actions and decisions align with your deepest beliefs, paving the way for a meaningful and authentic life. This is the true importance of life values—they are the foundation for a purposeful life.

    77% of workers report being satisfied with their employer's support for mental health and well-being, highlighting the importance of organizational values aligning with employee well-being. (American Psychological Association)

    How a Values Test Can Be Helpful

    A values test offers more than just a list of traits—it’s a powerful tool for self-reflection. Instead of simply selecting appealing words, it guides you to deeply examine what truly drives you and why. This process creates space for introspection, helping you to name the values you may have felt intuitively but never fully articulated.

    For many people, taking a values test clarifies life’s friction points. It explains why certain situations or relationships feel misaligned or uncomfortable. You begin to see where your values are being neglected and, on the flip side, where you’re thriving because your values are in harmony with your actions.

    Beyond just identification, a values test builds self-awareness. When you clearly understand what motivates you, decision-making becomes more intentional, and goal-setting becomes more purposeful. This awareness not only improves your personal well-being but also enhances the quality of your relationships, boosts confidence, and increases overall life satisfaction.

    "Values serve as a handshake between you and your employees on what you should expect from each other.”

    - MaryBeth Hyland, Permission to Be Human

    Why It’s Important to Take a Values Test

    Taking a values test goes far beyond ticking boxes—it’s a vital step toward personal growth and a deeper understanding of yourself. It provides a roadmap for navigating both your personal and professional life with greater clarity. When you understand what drives you, you’re equipped to make choices that align with your core beliefs, which leads to more thoughtful and confident decision-making.

    The benefits of a values test extend beyond internal awareness. It lays the groundwork for building stronger, more meaningful relationships. When you are clear on your values, you naturally seek out people who share similar principles. This alignment also makes setting boundaries and communicating expectations easier, leading to more authentic and connected relationships.

    In your professional life, knowing your values can guide you toward opportunities that resonate with your true self. Whether choosing a career path or evaluating business partnerships, aligning with your values ensures that you don’t just achieve success—you achieve fulfillment. Companies that embrace core values see their cultures strengthened and their teams more engaged, creating environments where both individuals and the organization thrive.

    Over 7,000 people have taken our Core Values Quiz, and the top Non-Values that don’t resonate with them are Religion, Respect for Tradition, and Public Image.

    Why Should I Know My Core Values?

    Knowing your core values is like having a personal roadmap for navigating life with purpose and clarity. Core values are the deeply held beliefs that guide your decisions, shape your relationships, and influence how you respond to challenges. When you understand your core values, you gain insight into what truly matters to you, making it easier to make choices that align with who you are and want to become.

    One of the biggest benefits of knowing your core values is the confidence it brings. When you’re clear on what you stand for, you’re less likely to be swayed by external pressures. Decisions become easier because you’re guided by principles that resonate with your authentic self. This confidence also strengthens relationships, as you’re more likely to build connections based on shared values, creating a foundation of trust and understanding.

    Values are essential for setting boundaries that protect your well-being. By knowing your priorities, you can confidently establish boundaries that support a healthy, fulfilling life. For example, if Honesty is a core value, you’re likely to seek relationships and environments where honesty is prioritized, ensuring you’re surrounded by people who respect and support your principles.

    In times of uncertainty or difficulty, core values provide stability. They remind you of what’s important and help you stay grounded, resilient, and focused on growth. When you live according to your values, you experience a sense of alignment, leading to greater fulfillment, inner peace, and purpose.

    If you’re ready to discover your core values and unlock a more intentional, fulfilling life, start by taking our core values quiz today. This values assessment can help you identify and prioritize the values that make you who you are, empowering you to live with authenticity and purpose.

    "Happiness is impossible if you abandon your values.”

    - MaryBeth Hyland, Permission to Be Human

    How does this values quiz help me align with my values?

    Our core values quiz is designed to help you connect with and clarify what truly matters to you, making it easier to align your life with your core values. This quiz isn’t just about selecting words; it’s about understanding the principles that drive you, resonate with you, don’t resonate with you or that you aspire to embody. By taking a few moments to explore and rank different values, you can gain insights into which values are most authentic to who you are—and which ones may be aspirational, guiding where you want to grow.

    Alignment with your values starts with self-awareness, and this quiz helps create a clear, personalized picture of your core beliefs. By categorizing values as “This Drives Me,” “I Wish This Drove Me,” “This Describes Me,” or “This Does Not Resonate,” you’re encouraged to reflect deeply on each value’s role in your life. This reflection allows you to better understand why certain situations or relationships feel right or wrong—revealing areas where you may already be aligned or where adjustments could help you feel more fulfilled.

    The values quiz also helps you build a practical action plan for alignment. When you know your values, you can make more intentional decisions, set meaningful goals, and create boundaries that protect your well-being. For example, if you discover that “Growth” is a core value, you might seek opportunities that challenge and develop you, ensuring your actions align with what truly drives you.

    At the end of the quiz, you’ll receive a customized values profile—a reminder of the values that make you uniquely you. This personalized profile is more than just information; it’s a tool to help you navigate life with confidence, knowing that your choices, actions, and goals are rooted in values that bring out your best self.

    Approximately 65% of individuals experience enhanced career and relationship development when accurately identifying and aligning with their core values. (Psychquest)

    Values Reminders

    Here are a few mantras and affirmations to serve you on your journey to know, own and live your values.

    1. I am a walking, talking, living, breathing set of values.

    2. My energy shows me when my values are present.

    3. My core values are my internal compass and represent what I stand for.

    4. Values reflect who I am, what I do, and how I define success and failure.

    5. Every day is filled with purpose, pride, and productivity when my values are activated.

    6. I am mindful of what does and does not activate my values.

    7. My values are mine to define.

    8. I know, own, and live my values through my actions.

    9. I choose my values in the face of adversity.

    10. My happiness exists in the presence of my values.

    "Every single day, every single action is ultimately a reflection or disconnection of your values.”

    - MaryBeth Hyland, Permission to Be Human

    Who Is MaryBeth Hyland?

      MaryBeth HyandMaryBeth Hyland

      As the Founder of SparkVision and creator of Values-Based Mindfulness, MaryBeth Hyland knows that extraordinary success is rooted in the vision, values, and culture crafted by purpose-driven leaders and their teams. With over a decade of experience, built on knowledge from a BA in Social Work and MS in Nonprofit Management, she’s known for her ability to guide individuals and teams to know, own and live their values.

      And she does that with the understanding that we all have a deep desire to know and return to our most authentic selves – at work, home and within.

      As a keynote speaker, mindfulness instructor, and values expert she engages audiences and teams all over the world with her authentic style of facilitation, coaching and empowerment. Her recent awards include, “Circle of Excellence”, “Innovator of the Year”, “Top 100 Women”, “Civic Engagement Leader” and “Leading Women”. She has also been recognized as a leading expert by The Washington Post, The Huffington Post, Forbes, The Wall Street Journal, NBC, CBS, FOX and more.

      As the author of “Permission to Be Human: The Conscious Leader’s Guide to Creating Values-Driven Culture”, her personal life’s mission is to create spaces where voices are heard, stories are released, and alignment is ignited.

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